Clematis Listing Omission
Morning Sky
The cultivar raised by Szczepan Marczyński (2004 Poland; introduced in 2014) with light violet-pink, nearly circular flowers that get lighter towards the centre and are ornamented with pinkish veins.
Flowers 8-10 cm in diameter, consist of 4-6 rhomboid, pointy sepals, which underneath are light violet with white-pink bar along the middle. Stamens beautifully contrast with the perianth they are short, circularly arranged, with dark purple-violet, almost black anthers on yellow filaments. Flowers are borne abundantly from the end of June till mid-August and then, more sparsely, till the end of September. Leaves, up to 20 cm long and 15 cm wide, consist of 3-5 lackluster green leaflets, each about 10 cm long and 6 cm wide, sometimes dented. New shoots are green-purple and the old ones – brown. The plant reaches 3 m height.
Relatively undemanding, robust cultivar. Golden medal on FlowersExpo 2014 (Russia).
Clematis Listing Omission
http://www.springhillnursery.com/product/blushing_bridesmaid_clematis/vines_climbers http://www.thorncroftclematis.co.uk/kaiser.html http://www.clematis.com.pl/en/encyklopedia?view=plant&plantid=867 http://www.clematis.hull.ac.uk/new-clemdetail.cfm?dbkey=3534
Clematis Listing Omission
Jerzy Popiełuszko
http://www.clematis.hull.ac.uk/new-clemdetail.cfm?dbkey=3030 http://www.thorncroftclematis.co.uk/clematis/jerzy-popieluszko.html http://www.clematis.com.pl/en/encyklopedia?view=plant&plantid=715 http://www.tuinkrant.com/plantengids/klimplanten/39424.htm
Clematis Listing Omission
http://www.thorncroftclematis.co.uk/cloudburst.html http://www.clematis.com.pl/en/encyklopedia?view=plant&plantid=897 http://www.clematis.hull.ac.uk/new-clemdetail.cfm?dbkey=3936
Thank you Michal. Apparently previously known as 'Starburst'. We've added your very helpful urls to the 'Cloudburst' file and hopefully our clematis experts will add details as soon as they can.