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Yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it?
There are now 9 beds, and one of FMM's seedlings, 'Toujours Gai,' has been introduced. There's also a greenhouse now, with 57 seedlings (so far this year) growing in it. I need another greenhouse!
Last year, we didn't have a proper winter. What we had was a very long autumn, with one week of proper Zone 5a winter temperatures--at the end of February.
Unfortunately, by that time, some of the modern roses had begun to break dormancy; I ended up losing Chicago Peace, Purple Tiger, Stainless Steel and several others. The native roses, and the roses which grow wild all over the place, were not fooled; and as a result the garden and the Rose Ditches (farm irrigation ditches in which the roses grow) are now full of fully leafed-out roses.
This spring I've added two more beds to bring the total to five. The two suckers of Fa's Marbled Moss are showing great promise of lots of flowers (and lots of cuttings!). FMM's nine seedlings are still trying to decide if they really want to grow in the garden instead of being coddled in pots and fretted over, but I'm sure they'll come around.