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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 13 FEB 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 FEB 11 by songtaeyi
I'm having difficulties using the "so called premium membership" because it keeps locking me out.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 FEB 11 by HMF Admin
Please contact the support department (see the Contact Us page) and they will be happy to help you. You'll need to be specific about what you mean by "lock you out".
most recent 1 OCT 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 OCT 10 by songtaeyi
I am growing Lady of the Mist as a large shrub. Mine is about 6', going into it's 3rd year. So it will probably go a bit taller. It has not put up as many new canes as I expected, but when it bloomed, I believe it was without exception one of the most movingly beautiful roses I have ever seen. It also has been shy on rebloom, and I am hoping this is just until it gets really established. And the fragrance is exceptional. It is healthy, not a trace of disease , but the initial vigor is not there yet. I have it next to Wild Blue Yonder, and it took 3-4 yrs for that to become exceptional, so I am looking forward to next yr for LOTM.
most recent 17 FEB 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 FEB 10 by songtaeyi
Songtaeyi has recently donated $25 and would like membership privileges (sorry about that spelling) turned back on. The donation was in two parts, $15 AND $10-that was an accident on my part-will make sure it is the correct amount next time, in one donation. Thanks
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 FEB 10 by HMF Admin
First, thank you for your continued support of HMF.

We have combined your donations and extended your premium membership. Thanks again.
most recent 6 FEB 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 OCT 08 by songtaeyi
I have a rose that I have narrowed down to Charisma, Rumba, or Tequila. It is 4-5' tall, has very 'happy' golden yellow buds that open to orange, red, and cherry. I believe it is a floribunda, it is always in bloom, sometimes very prolifically, it attracts attention, doesn't set hips well, has large sized medium matte green leaves, was labeled as Just Joey, spent it's first 3 yrs. in a pot next to the pool, got planted out this past spring, grew vigorously to 5', takes heat very well, does not always like to shed it's old petals, but is virtually fool proof to grow. But I don't know what it's name is and haven't seen it around. I think I saw someone's misidentified photo of Tequila on another site that led me to believe it was Tequila. I can post a photo.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 14 MAY 09 by Unregistered Guest
This also resembles the short climber: PINATA ~ I , too, am trying to identify a rose very similar to this, currently growing on the Pacific Coast in HalfMoonBay CA. It blooms in clusters, until December 20th! It is thorny, full, & reaches about 6 ft; it tolerates shade & partial Sun: the coastal climate.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 6 FEB 10 by songtaeyi
Unregistered guest: I did come to the conclusion that this was perhaps Pinata. Mine does not exceed 5-6', kind of like an Olympiad or About Face in growth habit, but not as tall as Queen E or Mr. Lincoln. But the flowers sure fit. Since I planted it out I have come across the same variety twice, and each time it was unlabled or the lable had been removed. It has lots of small prickles, along with a few larger ones.
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