how is this rose's disease resistance?
You might try going to the websites of the listed suppliers and see if they offer any insight here.
I do spray regularly and have not seen any sign of disease at all of any kind. Last year I bought it potted and the foliage was a very light green color. This year the foliage was even lighter and looked very unhealthy until I transplanted it to the yard and got it out of the pot. Now in the ground, the foliage has darkened up almost overnight and is very shiny and healthy looking.
Really bad. Gorgeous plant. I bought it when it was new on the market. Good vigor, blooms, rebloom. Very black spot prone here in Oregon. Shovel-pruned after 2nd year to black spot defoliation. I do not spray fungicides.
Does National Velvet have a problem with any diseases?
In my Michigan garden....yup. Mine is very prone to blackspotl
the other day i saw a 'red tropicana' for sale at lowes in Fresno. Does anyone know anything about it?
Hope this helps!