G.W. Piper - who introduced the Tea rose 'Peace', was an Englishman. Ref. Journal des Roses 26:162-163 (1902) (In BC Dickerson, The Old Rose Advisor) Peace, Piper, 1902 "This ravishing newcomer will be released to commerce at the end of November 1902 by its breeder Mr. G.W. Piper, horticulturist at Uckfield, Sussex (England). It opens very well and will be an excellent rose for forcing in Winter... ‘Peace’ is a variety which opens well; its pale lemon coloration, its very long buds, its solitary flower on a very straight and strong stem, the many flowers which make the plant a veritable mass of flowers, the very large petals solidly attached to the blossom, its magnificent foliage, and its delicious scent – all of these unite to make it an absolutely elite variety."