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Armbrust (1901-1975), Fred J.
'Armbrust (1901-1975), Fred J.'  photo
Photo courtesy of richard
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Thu Mar 2025
15 Pascoe St.,
Mitchelton, Queensland 4053
1956. The Australian Rose Annual
p58. My first rose seedlings, by Fred Armbrust

1957. The Australian Rose Annual
p85. Rose notes from Queensland, by Fred Armbrust

1958. The Australian Rose Annual
p115. Highlights from rose history, by Fred Armbrust

1958 Modern Roses 5
p16 Fred J. Armbrust, 43 Blackwood Rd., Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia.

1959. The Australian Rose Annual
p94. Rootstocks and the root system of the rose, by Fred Armbrust

1960. The Australian Rose Annual
p61 The pros and cons of hybridizing, by Fred Armbrust

1961 Australian Rose Annual
p30. G. A. Williams, Runcorn, Queensland. Understocks in Queensland. Queensland’s noted breeder, Fred Armbrust, has made a good start on understock breeding and has several crosses, some of them suggested by the writer. However, of course, results will be a long time hence. From a long friendship with Mr. Armbrust, I should imagine he has the understock question right at heart and will do his best to produce what we want here at any rate.

1962. The Australian Rose Annual
p90. Rose Notes from Queensland, by Fred Armbrust.

1966. The Australian Rose Annual
p119. Judging new seedling roses, by Fred Armbrust

1966, June. Queensland Garden,
p11. Back in 1955 at his home at Blackwood Rd., Michelton, he found he was unable to produce exhibition blooms because the poor type of soil defied all attempts to improve it. At a last resort he turned to rose hybridizing, after having gained information on the subject from Mr. Cec. Homan, the then treasurer of the Rose Society. …..Since moving to Pascoe St., Mitchelton where the soil is better, Mr. Armbrust has started hybridizing again, and is working along very definite lines which promise great things in the future.

1980 Modern Roses 8
p555. Fred J. Armbrust, 15 Pascoe St., Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia.

1997 Golden Vale Nursery catalogue
p18 . Fred J. Armbrust of Mitchelton, Queensland bred ......

2016 Heritage Roses in Australia. vol 38, No. 3
p19. Richard Walsh. Feature Breeder - Fred Armbrust (1901- 1975)
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