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Henderson (1822-1890), Peter
'Henderson (1822-1890), Peter'  photo
Photo courtesy of scvirginia
Rose Breeder, Author and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Tue Dec 2024
New York, New York
United States
According to the Smithsonian, Peter Henderson (1822-1890) became the father of ornamental horticulture in the United States. You can read about him at the Smithsonian.

He had a rose nursery, Peter Henderson & Co.

Born in Pathhead, Scotland June 9, 1822. Died in Jersey City, N. J., January 17, 1890. (Source: Peter Henderson, gardener, author, merchant: a memoir by Alfred Henderson, 1890.)

[From l'Illustration hoerticole, 1890, p. 12:]  PETER HENDERSON, horticulteur à New-York, a succombé le 17 courant à une atteinte d’influenza. M. Henderson qui quitta l'Angleterre, il y a un quart de siècle, s'était établi bord pour alimenter le marché de New-York, mais bientôt il s'occupa d’horticulture générale tout en ayant en dehors de son établissement à la campagne, des bureaux et des magasins à New-York même. Il avait réalisé une fortune très considerable.

[From Rose Letter, August 2013, p. 4:] Peter Henderson (1822-1890). Arrived from Scotland in 1843, he worked first at George Thorburn’s nursery on Long Island, then for Robert Buist in Philadelphia. In 1847 with his brother James, he opened a nursery in New Jersey, primarily a seed company at first. At one time he employed more than 100 workers. When his brother died, he established the Peter Henderson & Company in 1871 in New York City. Henderson was instrumental in providing work for other immigrants, especially gardeners on their way to California. For example, he had hired first Peter Kunz and later the latter’s cousin Frank Kunz, both who were to found separate nurseries in Sacramento, California in the 1860s.
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