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Hetzel, Karl
'Hetzel, Karl'  photo
Photo courtesy of mehring
Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Sun Sep 2024
Oberderdingen, Baden-Württemberg
Karl Hetzel (1923-2003) hybridized for more than 25 years, producing most recently a series of reblooming ramblers such as Super Fairy and Super Excelsa.
More Information about Hetzel and his roses may be found on this Website (in German)

[Recent additions to the rose-growing scene are the Super climbers from Hetzel.]

[In Botanica's Roses, the breeder's name is spelled "Hetzel" and "Helzel" (on p. 576).

[From Botanica's Roses p. 576:] Karl Hetzel [sic] has bred a number of repeat-flowering Ramblers, which is a major advance because almost all Ramblers currently available flower only once. All are becoming popular in Europe for use as weeping roses...]

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