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Easlea, Jr., Walter
Discussion id : 34-778
most recent 3 JUN 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 MAR 09 by Vivienne
Walter Easlea (the son) wrote an article called Reminiscences which appeared in the The National Rose Society 1935.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 14 MAR 09 by Patricia Routley
I became interested in the two Easlea men a few years back. I have this 1935 article by Walter Easlea (the son) on file, but it is five pages long.

I also have another article written in 1896 by Walter Easlea (the father), but that too is five pages.

And then there are another six pages on what I found on the two men, and their roses. It is all most interesting to students of Easlea, but I am not sure that Helpmefind can accept messages of such verbosity????
Reply #2 of 4 posted 2 JUN 20 by EastwoodRoses
Dear Patricia, I hope this reply to your message 11 years ago reaches you. I live about half a mile from the site of the old Easlea nursery. I am researching the history of the family business and their rose breeding in the hope that I can interest a local nursery in stocking some Easlea roses and thereby giving the Easlea name the prominence it deserves again here in Essex at least. I would be very interested in seeing the articles that you have. With many thanks, Dawn
Reply #3 of 4 posted 3 JUN 20 by Patricia Routley
Dawn, I have noted your message and will get back to you within a week, I hope. In the meantime, would you remove your email address please from your Comment. I have made a note of your address.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 3 JUN 20 by EastwoodRoses
That's great. Thank you Patricia.
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