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Doorenbos, S.G.A.
'Doorenbos, S.G.A.'  photo
Photo courtesy of Jay-Jay
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Sun Sep 2024
Hague, Zuid-holland
S. G. A. Doorenbos (1891-1980), Director of Parks at The Hague. Modern Roses 6, p. 99. President of the Dutch Dendrological Society from 1928-1962.

For many years, Mr S.G. A. Doorenbos, director of the Plantsoenendienst (Municipal Landscaping Service) in The Hague, served as chairman of the Dutch Dendrological Society. In order to commemorate his service, the S.G.A. Doorenbos Medal was minted in 1978. It is awarded to people who have rendered outstanding service to the association and to dendrology.
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