Initial post
24 JUN 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Hi I live in england and would like to know how i can buy the rose named barbara joyce it is my aunts name and sadly she passed away last month it would mean a great deal to the family if we could gey one of these roses to remember her by Many Thanks Lisa Thomas
I have searched for years for Chattem Centennial. Mine died in the winter of 1999 or 2000. I found two locations that have it. Ludwig's Nursery in South Africa and, of course, they will not ship to Michigan. The other was to a nursery in Canada. I wrote and wrote, offering toi accept collect calls and to pay double for thus rose that I really love, and the nursery POCs never responded. Does anyone know where I can get this rose?
I'm not sure why this question is under Sunset Celebration comments instead of Chattem Centennial, but I may have a lead on how you can acquire the Chattem Centennial rose. Its hybridizer is Betty Jolly from Galena, MD. I was unable to find any information about her, but I may have located information on Marie Jolly, a hybridizer who is also from Galena. (She used Chattem Centennial as the parent for a miniature rose named Tipper.) I am reluctant to post her address here, but you can find an address for Marie Jolly and M Jolly by searching anywho.com. Good luck!