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Gregory, Charles Walter
'Gregory, Charles Walter'  photo
Photo courtesy of Cambridgelad
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Mon Oct 2024
Chilwell, Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom
Charles Walter Gregory (1908 - October 22, 1980)
See also the nursery C. Gregory & Son Ltd.

[From The Ultimate Rose Book, by Stirling Macoboy, 1993, p. 166:] It is not often that a raiser puts out two roses from the same parentage in the same year, but that is what Walter Gregory did in 1965, with 'Pink Perpetue' and 'Etude'.

[From GC & HTJ, Vol. 196, 1984, p. 148:] At the age of eight, Charles Gregory left hometo start work on a rose nursery. In due course, he established himself as one of the leading rose breeders of the century; a name continued by his son Walter, who gave us roses such as 'Wendy Cussons', 'Pink Perpetue', 'Living Fire' and 'Summer Holiday', and his grandson, Tony,...

[From The Rose Annual, 1981, p. 166:] Obituary. Charles Walter Gregory, DFM. During the night of 21-22 October Walter Gregory died peacefully in his sleep, having spent a normal day around his nursery and his home, with the normal plans and arrangements for tomorrow. He was 72 years old, having been born in 1908, and in those years he had done much to make his family's name highly respected...He lived in Chilwell, just west of Nottingham.

[From GC & HTJ, Vol. 188, p. 57:] Mr. Charles Gregory, the first rose grower to produce a coloured catalogue listing his rose stock, has died. He was 72. Charles Walter Gregory was the son of the founder of the firm of C. Gregory and son of Stapleford...He developed the rose garden at Stapleford into the largest in England and was soon selling more than a million rose bushes per year. A council member of the Royal National Rose Society...

1973 The Rose Annual, UK
p80. Nigel Raban. The Men Behind the New Roses. C. W. Gregory. [and photo]

<u>1978 <i>Roses</i> by Jack Harkness</u>
p105. Mr. Gregory is a practical rose grower who is modest about his breeding, and has never adopted any posture of doing it as a research or a mission in life. His attitude was very simple. He liked to introduce new roses in the way of his rose growing business, and thought he might have a shot at raising his own.  He therefore planted up a greenhouse with reliable roses, and fertilized them with the pollen of others of similar character, Without going to the uneconomic  bother of recording and labelling his crosses. When he visits other breeders he surveys their work in wonder, with every expression of respect for their expertise, which he makes no claim to share. In 1971 he received the Queen Mary Medal of the Royal  National Rose Society, their award to outstanding British rose breeders. And his response to it appeared to be compounded half of gratitude and half of surprise.
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