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Baumann frères / Gebrüder Baumann

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Rose and peony Author and Breeder  

Listing last updated on Fri Jan 2025
Bollwiller, Haut-Rhin
Baumann Frères, nursery owners in Bollwiller, Alsace, France, of Swiss origin (of Dornach, Canton Solothurn).

Jean (Johannes) Baumann (1708-1759), arrived 1731 in Bollwiller
François-Joseph Baumann (1751-1837), his son
Joseph-Bernard Baumann (1775-1859), and Augustin Baumann (1779-1867), his sons (Frères Baumann)
Auguste-Napoléon Baumann (1804-1884), son of Joseph-Bernard
Eugène-Achille Baumann (1817-1869), his younger brother, emigrated 1854 to USA
[genealogy from La métamorphose des jardins européens, by Cécile Modanese, 2012, p. 16]

[From Monographie du Genre Rosier, 1824, by Auguste de Pronville, p. 148:] In the departments of Haut and Bas-Rhin, Baumann frères cultivate a large number [of roses]...

[From Taschenbuch des verständigen Gärtners, 1824, p. 1151:] The Gebrüder Baumann at Bollweiler in Upper rhine have in their large plantations almost all well-known roses, as well as very new, very beautiful rose varieties, which they have obtained from seed.

[From Rosetum Gallicum, by Narcisse Desportes, 1828, p. 123:] BAUMANN Frères, à Bollwiller, près Ensisheim (Haut-Rhin)

[From Journal de la Société d'Agronomie Pratique, June 1829, p. 219:]   BAUMANN frères, pépiniéristes à Bollwiller, par Ensisheim, Haut-Rhin.

[From Journal d'agriculture, 1829, p. 53:] Nurserymen and fanciers who sell. ...Baumann, near Colmar

[From Le Bon Jardinier, 1832, p. 844:] Baumann frères, à Bollwiller, près Ensisheim (Haut-Rhin).

[From Bulletin de Travaux de la Société d'horticulture de la Seine, 1854, p. 235:] BAUMANN (Auguste-Napoléon), horticulteur à Bollwiller (Haut-Rhin)

[From Revue horticole, November 1, 1857, p. 530:] M. Aug.-Nap. Braumann, propriétaire du grand établissement de Bollwiller (Haut-Shin), avait envoyé un superbe lot composé en grande partie de légumes nouveaux

[From Old Roses, by Mrs. Frederick Love Keays, p. 177:] Marie Baumann, 1863, is the sole rose listed as raised by one A.N. Baumann. In 1881, 'Marie Baumann' was elected by vote to the high place of the finest of all exhibition roses.
[From Modern Roses II, p. 17:] A.N. Baumann, Bollwillers, France.
[From Roll Call: The Old Rose Breeder, p.16:]
Baumann frères
[Constantine Auguste Napoléon Baumann: lived 1801-1884]
[Joseph Baumann]
Bollwiller, near Mulhausen
Haut-Rhin, France
The grandfather of the bros. published the first Baumann Catalog in 1788.

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