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Bennett, Cecilia L. (Dee)
'Bennett, Cecilia L. (Dee)'  photo
Photo courtesy of HanfordRose
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Fri Sep 2024
United States
Code = TIN---
[From Botanica's Roses, p. 234:] Dee Bennett often chose names to reflect her ancestry, coming as she does from Australia.

[Ibid, p. 121: Dee Bennett's] experiments using the Large-flowered, 'Futura', as the seed parent really paid off, yielding many prize-winning varieties.

[Ibid, p. 677:] Bennett began raising roses in the 1970s in Chula Vista, California. She was a specialist in Miniatures...

[From The Rose: An Encyclopedia of North American Roses, Rosarians, and Rose Lore, by Sean McCann, p. 22:] One of the few female rose breeders in the world, Dee Bennett was a top breeder of miniature roses... born in Australia but settled in Chula Vista, California. She set up an extensive miniature rose retailing business in Chula Vista in 1973 [Tiny Petals Nursery]... Tiny Petals continues in operation under the guidance of her daughter Sue... A rose variety now carries the name of Dee Bennett -- a tribute from hybridizer Harmon Saville, surely the highest praise from a man who was once a competitor...
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