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Kelway's Pæonies, Langport, Somerset
(1927)  Page(s) 9.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's Lovely Single-Flowered Ponies
General Collection
Baby Kelway, delicate flesh colour of an exquisite tint, nearly white. A really charming flower; substantial and smooth-petalled. 10/6 each.
(1927)  Page(s) 24.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's "Imperial Pæonies"
Her Grace, delicate light pink, with yellow petaloids; grand. 10/6 each.
(1927)  Page(s) 6.5.  
Peony Novelties
New Varieties for 1928
Kelway's Fairy Queen. lively pink, showing golden anthers; sweetly scented; dwarf habit; semi-double.
(1927)  Page(s) 6.5.  
Peony Novelties
New Varieties for 1928
Kelway's Flower of Chivalry, light rosy pink guard petals, with rose and cream and white centre, semi-double.
(1927)  Page(s) 6.5.  
Peony Novelties
New Varieties for 1928
Kelway's Globe of LightAward of Merit, Royal Horticultural Society. 21st June, 1927. (Imperial)
Kelway's Globe of Light.—"There are so many good Pæonies now in commerce it seems difficult to strike something out of the ordinary. However, at the last meeting og the Royal Horticultural Society two varieties of outstanding merit gained the coveted award; one was Globe of Light, which resembled a huge anemone-flowered Chrysanthemum, the outer guard petals being a silvery rose, while the cushion was formed of very narrow petals of pale rose and yellow, all crimped together/"—The Nurseryman and Seedsman, June 30, 1927.
(1927)  Page(s) 18.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's Lovely Double Herbaceous Pæonies
Kelway's Glorious, the most wonderful new Pæony sent out for many years; gleaming white, very full; enormous flower of ravishing beauty and purity; a rosy streak on the outside of the guard petals; very sweetly scented; strong and free. (This variety is rated for quality second 9.8 in the World's List of Pæonies compiled by the American Pæony Society, and is placed at the head of the white varieties amongst the commercial varieties recommended by the New Pæony and Iris Organization for the United States.) £5 each.
(1927)  Page(s) 6.5.  
Peony Novelties
New Varieties for 1928
Kelway's Glory of June. pink guards, rose and gold petaoids; abundant side buds; of dwarf habit; single (Imperial).
(1927)  Page(s) 18.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's Lovely Double Herbaceous Pæonies
Kelway's Lovely, bright Tyrian rose or rosy red of very pleasing shade. (R. de C., 160, tone 1.) The cushion of petals is frequently touched with creamy pink with a central tuft of rose; extra fine. 21/- each.
(1927)  Page(s) 6.5.  
Peony Novelties
New Varieties for 1928
Kelway's Mould of Form, cherry red, very bright, showing anthers; semi-double.
(1927)  Page(s) 6.5.  
Peony Novelties
New Varieties for 1928
Kelway's Peerless, deep pink, with plenty of side buds; very effective; one of the best; very tall grower; single.
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