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Found Roses on Trophy Tables
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 18.  Includes photo(s).
“Benny Lopez.” (2009 Palm Springs ARS Fall National Conference) This likely Damask Perpetual rose was found in Santa Barbara, California over 50 years ago by its eponymous nurturer on land that had once been an orchard. The rose was grown for over fifty years before its story was discovered by Ingrid Wapelhorst. This is one of only two “found” rose to win an award at a national meeting of the ARS. The blooms are old fashioned, quartered and reflexive. The colors are highly weather sensitive and the range of color extends from a shocking neon pink in high summer heat to a red tinged with purple undertones in winter time. The blooms mostly appear one to a relatively short stem. The blooms are about three inches across and bursting with petals. The rose needs to be deadheaded in order to provide continuous bloom, welcomes extra feeding, and suckers on its own roots. The rose is highly disease resistant and can be grown in coastal areas in southern California without undue concern about disease susceptibility. The fragrance is frequently referred to as ‘damask’ or ‘spicy.’
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 24-25.  
There is also another “found” rose attributed to ‘Mme. Lombard,’ “Sawyer Plot Tea”  “Bloomfield Cemetery Tea,” but a cross-reference has not been established.
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 19.  Includes photo(s).
"Bud Jones.” (2011 Los Angeles ARS Fall National Conference, 2010 and 2011, Pacific Rose Society Rose Shows) Most likely a Hybrid Perpetual rose, the rose can appear in spring to be a pinkish red, but soon settles into a deep pink yielding to a lighter version with lilac tinges to the edges of the petals which reach double status. The blooms are rarely more than two and a half inches across appearing mostly in solitary patterns, although there will be occasional small sprays of flat to cupped form. The bush tends to be upright with a width that can vary as the slender canes sway with the weight of the blooms at the end or on shorter stems along the sides of arching canes. The medium green leathery foliage tends to cluster around the blooms leaving the canes in direct summer heat open to sunburn. The rose possesses a strong damask fragrance and blooms most heavily in spring with scattered lighter later bloom. The rose tends to sucker on its own roots. It was gathered at a rose rustle at a Sierra foothills cemetery dating to the mid-19th century and named for one of the participants, a former chair of judges in the Pacific Southwest District. Jeri Jennings collected and propagated this rose, which is nearly identical to another “found” rose, “William Daniel.” The rose is not in commerce and has been distributed only through pass-along plant practices This is the other “found” rose to win a trophy at an ARS National Conference.
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 19-20.  
“Crested Mystery.” (2006 Desert Rose Society Rose Show) “Crested Mystery” was the first “found” rose to win an award at the first offering of the class recorded by Unfortunately, it was not a “found” rose, but rather a found one. This rose appeared latterly in as ‘Dawn Crest,’ a Large Flowered Climber, attributed to Ralph Moore. The rose has not been registered and was not registered in Mr. Moore’s lifetime as he regarded it unsuitable for public introduction, possibly because the cresting manifestation was insufficient. The rose itself produces crested buds and blooms of glowing dawn pink, two inches across with semi-double form in very large sprays. Bloom production is continuous in southern California on canes of lethal armature and deceptively gentle fragrance. The rose has never been in commerce and has only been distributed through the agency of public garden rose sales or auctions with the permission of the current holder of rights to the rose with the tacit understanding that it would not be sold or transmitted to any nursery.
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 17.  Includes photo(s).
The essence of the “found” rose concept is of a rose that has not received an Accepted Exhibition Name (AEN) from the American Rose Society. Once a rose has received an AEN, it is eligible for entry into rose show classes other than the “found” rose class. ‘Darlow’s Enigma,’ for example, was granted an AEN and thus moved from being a “found” rose to a rose eligible for classes in which Hybrid Musks may be entered.
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 21.  
“Fields of the Wood.” (2007, Desert Rose Society Rose Show) Synonyms for this rose include “Kocher Red,” and “Field of Woods.” Subsequent to the date above, there seemed to be general agreement by the Modern Rose XII database,, the Combined Rose List 2011, and Vintage Gardens that the actual identity was ‘Rhode Island Red,’ a Large-flowered Climber hybridized by the Brownells of Rhode Island and introduced in 1957 or 1958. But any such agreement is purely tentative until contrary evidence emerges....The rose features large, intensely red blooms four to five inches across with dark green glossy foliage and a growth habit somewhat shorter than average for a climber...
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 20-21.  Includes photo(s).
“Grandmother’s Hat.” (2009 at the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Show and 2011 at the Sacramento Rose Society Rose Show) This gloriously popular Hybrid Perpetual rose has nearly as many identities as a quick-change artist. It has variously been known as “Altadena Drive Pink HP,” “Barbara Worl,” and “Grandma’s Hat,” as well as variously identified as ‘Mrs. R.G. Sharman-Crawford,’ or the ‘Cornet Rose.’ The rose was first discovered by Fred Boutin in Altadena, California in 1972. It was also discovered in San Jose, California by Barbara Worl. She named it “Grandmother’s Hat” because the pink satin color of the blooms reminded her of the silk roses worn on the hats of her grandmother’s era.
In 2006 the ARS ruled that for purposes of exhibition in a “Found” rose class, the proper name would be “Grandmother’s Hat” as opposed to the other names, thus creating what may the first non-AEN AEN. Tom Liggett of the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden asserted that the rose had been known as ‘Molly Sharman-Crawford;’ but Miriam Wilkins and Barbara Worl believed that the proper identification would be ‘Cornet Rose,’ based on roses they viewed in German gardens. Discussion among “found” rose experts seemed to favor the latter identification as late as 2009, but the matter still seems unsettled.....The pink blooms are three to four inches across, full with old-fashioned form, but fade to a lighter pink. There is a strong Old Rose fragrance and there is a resinous scent to the foliage. The rose blooms across the season and grows to a height of six to twelve feet. Unfortunately, the rose is susceptible to blackspot
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 22.  
“Mother Lode # 2.” (2008, Desert Rose Society Rose Show) This rose was apparently collected by Dick Streeper while visiting the foothills in the Sierra gold camps of the gold rush era. He recalls that the rose was found in an abandoned cemetery not close to any modernday town. The rose reflected a common custom of that time when graves were marked with roses. He still grows the rose that won the trophy in 2008, but does not have a picture of it. The rose is not available commercially.
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 22.  Includes photo(s).
“Old Town Novato” (2009, Pacific Rose Society Rose Show) “Old Town Novato” was discovered in 2003 by Cass Bernstein about a block from the old train station in Novato, California. The original plant no longer exists. The rose grows to five to seven feet tall, with tall canes that arch over with the blooms and maintains a healthy armature and medium green matte foliage. The plant will sucker on its own roots. The plant needs to be well fed, and to have spent blooms deadheaded. The color and form of the plant seem to be highly weather sensitive with the colors used to describe the plant ranging from fuchsia, magenta, deep pink, carmine red, lilac rose and purple crimson. The reverse of the petals can be a silvery pink. While the coastal version of the plant features blooms in a cupped, quartered form, the inland version can present a button eye....The rose is thought to be nearly identical to other “found” roses including “Redwood Union Cemetery HP” and “Jay’s Hudson Perpetual.” For the first few years the plant was thought to be ‘Ardoisee de Lyon,’ but subsequent consideration did not Old Town Novato 22 favor that identification.
(Nov 2012)  Page(s) 23.  
“Phalaenopsis.” (2008, Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society Rose Show) This rose was discovered by G. Michael Shoup of Antique Rose Emporium outside of Austin in Copeland, Texas at least two decades ago. The rose is variously classified as a floribunda or a polyantha, although some catalogs have noted a similarity to a small Hybrid Musk. The plant grows to three or four feet in height and about as much in width. The blooms of deep pink with a white center in single-petal form appear in clusters with regularity from spring through fall. The rose apparently suffers from powdery mildew in climates where that is a primary concern
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