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A Comparison of Suspected Maggie Roses
......Based on the histories of these roses and the genetic data pre- sented here, the rose found by William Welch, which he named “Maggie,” is not a unique hybrid. If the histories are accurate, “Pacific” was introduced to Bermuda over 150 years ago via the captain of a French ship, and “Kakinada Red” has been growing in India for several centuries (Lowery, 2006). It is possible that the rose we call “Maggie” was originally from India, transported to Bermuda, and then brought to the U.S. Or “Maggie” may have come directly from India. This scenario precludes the possibility that “Maggie” is the same rose as ‘Eugenie E. Marlitt’, and nullifies the claims by many breeders and nurseries that they are the same rose originally bred by Geschwind. 

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