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"J. Fraser's Nursery, Sloane Square, Chelsea.
For the Introducing of Curious Plants and Seeds from America, and other different Parts of the World.
The following List of Seeds, collected by him, and brought home under his own care, are now in a very high State of Perfection ; those Ladies and Gentlemen who will do him the Honour to call and see them, he is convinced will be fully satisfied of the Fine State of Preservation they are in.....
Living plants of the above Seeds, as well as Phloxes, New Magnolias, Rhododendrons, the Four distinct Species of Sarracenias, mentioned in Walter's Flora Carolina, Violets, &c, &c, many of which are not to be found, as yet, in any other person*s possession but himself, will be ready for Inspection in a short Time ; J. Fraser will give the earliest Information, as he intends to pubhsh a General List of his Plants, as soon as they can be properly arranged. He is happy to inform the Nobility and Gentry, that it is now in his power to supply them with the most curious Plants and Seeds from all Parts of the World, on the most reasonable Terms ; he has lately received valuable Collections of Seeds from Java and the Bahama's, a list, with their Native Names, is ready to be seen by any Person who will do him the Honour to call."
The full catalogue of 1790 was reprinted in "Journal of botany, British and foreign", Vol. 37, November 1899, p. 482-487. In the same Journal, Vol. 43, November 1905, p. 329 is stated: "The list reprinted in 1899 is not dated; internal evidence suggests that it was issued on Eraser's return from his fourth journey, which took place in 1790." A second listing of John Fraser dated April 8, 1796 is then published, as follows:
"John Fraser,
Nursery and Seedsman,
Sloane Square, Chelsea.
April 8, 1796
J. FRASER begs leave to inform the public that he bas completed his fifth voyage from America ; and has procured the following Plants and Seeds, which he intends to dispose of at very moderate prices. He and his brother having purchased a plantation near Charleston, South Carolina; they propose to supply this and the neighbouring European countries annually with American Plants and Seeds. Any orders addressed to John and James Fraser, Planters, Charleston, South Carolina; or to J. Fraser, Sloane Square, Chelsea, will be duly executed. He has on this as on all former occasions procured new Plants which he is convinced will enrich any Botanical Collection in Europe."