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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Methuen Handbook of Roses
(1966)  Page(s) 33, plate 54.  Includes photo(s).
Aloha Large-flowered climbing rose
Boerner, Jackson and Perkins 1955 (Mercedes Gallart X New Dawn)
Large copper-pink, tightly filled flowers with a beautiful shape and fine scent. Suffers somewhat during rainy periods. Flowers from July to late autumn, when the withered blooms should be removed immediately. Moderate growth to about 6 ft, with beautiful dark green foliage. Can also be planted free-standing as a shrub rose. Only moderate pruning of the short branches after they have flowered.
(1966)  Page(s) 33, plate 54.  Includes photo(s).
American Pillar Rambler
Dr. van Fleet 1902 ((R. wichuraiana X R. setigera) x a red Hybrid Perpetual)
Clear, carmine single blooms with white centres, in large trusses. Very hardy and long-flowering, but only flowers once. Unusually vigorous growth with thick shoots 9-12 ft long produced in a single summer. Requires plenty of space and frequent thinning of the old branches right doen to the ground.
(1966)  Page(s) 34, plate 54.  Includes photo(s).
Blaze Climber
Kallay 1932 (Paul's Scarlet Climber x Gruss an Teplitz)
Bright scarlet flowers in loose trusses, produced very profusely and often several times in the course of the summer. Resembles Paul's Scarlet Climber, previously much cultivated, but flowers over a longer period.
(1966)  Page(s) 35, plate 54.  Includes photo(s).
Chaplin's Pink Climber Climber
Chaplin 1928 (Paul's Scarlet Climber X American Pillar)
Clear pink, semi-double flowers in clusters; stamens golden-yellow. Very robust growth with shoots 6-9 ft long. Flowers now and again after the main flowering in July. lasts very well when cut.
(1966)  Page(s) 36, plate 55.  Includes photo(s).
Danse des Sylphes Large-flowered climber
Mallerin 1957 (Danse de Feu x Toujous)
Bright orange-red, full and plump blooms in loose clusters. Now and then it flowers right into the autumn after the main flowering. Moderate growth with shoots up to 6-9 ft. Only the short branches that have produced flowers should be pruned.
(1966)  Page(s) 36, plate 55.  Includes photo(s).
Danse de Feu Large-flowered climber
Mallerin 1954 (Paul's Scarlet Climber x R. multiflora seedling)
Full, orange-scarlet blooms with a marked scent. Flowers several times throughout the summer and tolerates a certain amount of rain. Growth moderate with shoots up to 6-9 ft, and beautiful foliage.
(1966)  Page(s) 36-37, plate 55.  Includes photo(s).
Dorothy Perkins Rambler
Jackson and Perkins 1901 (R. wichuraiana x Mme gabriel Luizet9
Small, pink, double flowers with a pale salmon-pink sheen produced in large, compact trusses on long, slender green canes; foliage pale green. Flowers in July, but only once. The canes grow to 12-15 ft long and those that have flowered should be removed or thinned out immediately so as to give the new shoots light and air. One of the first valuable varieties among the so-called Wichuraiana hybrids...; it appeared at the turn of the century and is still reckoned among the most beautiful of the climbing roses.
(1966)  Page(s) 37, plate 55.  Includes photo(s).
Easlea's Golden Rambler Large-flowered climber
Easlea 1932
Bright yellow with  a pink tinge; beautiful buds and full flowers in small clusters. Very attractive, dark green, glossy foliage. Only flowers once. Vigorous growth with stems up to 9-12 ft long.
(1966)  Page(s) 37, plate 55.  Includes photo(s).
Excelsa Rambler
Walsh 1909
Small but full, shiny, bright red flowers in large clusters. Long, pale green canes and pale foliage. Flowers only once, but still one of thebest ramblers. Growth robust with canes up to 12-15 ft long. Drastic pruning of old shoots right down to the ground, immediately after flowering, is very rewarding. Also called Red Dorothy Perkins.
(1966)  Page(s) 37, plate 63.  Includes photo(s).
F. J. Grootendorst Shrub rose
Grootendorst 1918 (R. rugosa rubra X Mme Norbert Levavasseur)
Small, bright red double flowers resembling carnations, carried in large trusses, those around the edge being neatly serrated. Stiff, upright growth to about shoulder height.
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