Catalogue of Plants, in the Collection of Conrad Loddiges & Sons... at Hackney, near London, 1830
(1830) Page(s) 48. ROSA flore pleno 173 aimable beauté
(1830) Page(s) 48. ROSA flore pleno. 192 amaryllis
(1830) Page(s) 58. Chinese, with Varieties and Hybrids. ROSA odorata americana
(1830) Page(s) 48. ROSA flore pleno 196 anacreon
(1830) Page(s) 48. ROSA flore pleno. 204 ariadne.
(1830) Page(s) 49. ROSA flore pleno 241 belle aimable
(1830) Page(s) 58. ROSA flore pleno. Chinese, with Varities and Hybrids. indica striata
(1830) Page(s) 49. ROSA flore pleno 281 bijou
(1830) Page(s) 49. ROSA flore pleno 291 blondine
(1830) Page(s) 49. ROSA flore pleno 292 blood