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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Old-Fashioned Roses. A New Zealand Growers Handbook
(1994)  Includes photo(s).
photo p48b

p62. May Queen (Rambler, 1898). This is an under-rated rose. After a flush of flowers in early summer, it repeats intermitently and you can almost always pick a pretty crumpled muddled double, deep pink at the centre, paling on the outside. The glossy healthy leaves often stay on all winter. It will form a very large sprawling mound, useful for covering banks, tree stumps, etc. or it can be trained over a fence to form a hedge. It does grow rapidly, so allow it plenty of space.

p91. If you have a bank to cover, nothing could be prettier than a rambler. I have used 'May Queen' for covering a steep bank in a hillside garden. It formed a dense thicket, kept its glossy leaves all winter, and always provided a flower or two to pick.

p95. The full-petalled muddled blooms of the rambler 'May Queen' nestle in rich green leaves so glossy they almost sparkle in the sun. 'May Queen' will hold its leaves all year where winters are not too cold.
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