Mutant Varieties Data Base
(2014) 703 ornamental flower (rose), Rosa hybrida, Abhisarika, H.T., India 1975 USA 1976, IARI Div. of Floriculture New Delhi buds Gamma-rays 7.5kR 1971 (Kiss of Fire) pink stripes on a lemon yellow coloured base of petals MBNL 26-14
(2014) 544 ornamental flower (rose), Rosa sp., Angara, India 1975, (Montezuma), very vigorous compact and profuse blooming darker reddish orange in color slightly more fragrant than the parent (mutagen (???) not indicated) MBNL 14-19
(2014) 1156 ornamental flower (rose), Rosa sp., Bridal Sonia, Japan 1985, Gamma rays 15 kR 1979 (Sonia) flower colour changed to light pink MBNL 32
(2014) 1061 ornamentals flower (rose), Rosa sp., Curio, India ca.1986, Gamma rays 3 krad 1982 (Imperator) flower colour cherry red like "Imperator" flower morphology different (middle of the flowers is occupied by a number of small flowers) "MBNL 31
(2014) 546 ornamental flower rose, Rosa sp.(rose), Desi, GDR (Germany) 1965, X-rays 3 kR 1956 (Gloria Dei) intense colors dark-red stripes on yellow petals IAEA 1974
(2014) 547 ornamental flower, Rosa sp. (rose), Flamingo Queen, Canada 1976, X-rays 7-8 kR 1964 (Queen Elizabeth) salmon pink flower color MBNL 17-21
(2014) 1063 ornamentals flower (rose), Rosa sp., Jiguang, China 1986, Gamma rays 30 Gy green branches 1982 improved LEAF and flower characteristics MBNL 31
(2014) 1525 ornamental flower (rose), Rosa indica var.odorata, Light Pink Prize, India 1989, S.K.Datta Nat'l Bot.Res.Inst. Lucknow 226001 Gamma rays budwood (First Price) light pink flower colour instead of blend of light red and deep pink MBNL 37
(2014) 549 ornamental flower, Rosa sp. (rose), Madhosh, India 1975, EMS 0.25 % budwood (Gulzar) petals have mauve colored stripes contrasting with the deep red base MBNL 14-19
(2014) 550 ornamental flower, Rosa sp. (rose), Milena, CSSR 1964, (Elizabeth-Rose) a warmer pink color than the parent cultivar MBNL 14-18