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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Roses (Phillips & Rix)
(1988)  Page(s) 122, 123.  Includes photo(s).
Page 122: [Photo]
Page 123: Abraham Darby English Rose. Austin 1985... named after Abraham Darby, one of the leading lights of the Industrial Revolution. As a shrub it grows up to about 1.6 m but its long, arching stems make it suitable also for use as a climber, when it will grow up to about 3 m. Parentage: 'Aloha' x 'Yellow Cushion'.
(1988)  Page(s) 144-145.  Includes photo(s).
Adair Roche Description.
(1988)  Page(s) 84-85.  Includes photo(s).
Adélaïde d'Orléans....Growth up to 6 m, evergreen in warm winters and liable to be cut to the ground in an exceptional freeze; susceptible to mildew. Flowers in clusters, scented of primroses, at midsummer only, though occasionally with te odd flower later...
(1988)  Page(s) 140-141.  Includes photo(s).
Admiral Rodney Description. A Hybrid Tea raised by Basildon Rose Gardens and introduced by Warley Rose Gardens in 1973.
(1988)  Page(s) 116, 117.  Includes photo(s).
Page 116: [Photo]
Page 117: Admired Miranda (AUSmira) English Rose. Austin 1982. The habit is similar to a Hybrid Tea and not vigorous. 'The Friar' x 'The Friar'.
(1988)  Page(s) 130, 131.  Includes photo(s).
Page 130: [Photo]
Page 131: Adolf Horstmann Kordes 1971. Description...
(1988)  Page(s) 44-45.  Includes photo(s).
A Gallica hybrid, probably with R. majalis as the other parent (R. x francofuratana) known since 1820. Description. Very similar to its sister 'Empress Josephine' but more robust with narrower stipules.
(1988)  Page(s) 44-45.  Includes photo(s).
Aimable Rouge (La Triomphe) A Gallica of unknown origin, probably dating from the 18th century, widely grown in Holland and France in the 1820s. Illustrated by Redoute, from Malmaison.
(1988)  Page(s) 213.  Includes photo(s).
Air France (MEIfinaro, 'American Independence', 'Rosy Meillandina') Meilland 1982. MEIrotego x ('Darling Flame' x 'Perla de Montserrat')
(1988)  Page(s) 50.  Includes photo(s).
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