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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Ungarische Rosen-Zeitung
(Feb 1891)  Page(s) 78.  
Blanche de Forco. Tea. Dubreuil. - Plant of good growth, almost climbing, the end of canes with solitary blooms; bud ovoids elongated, expands easily. Large bloom, double, imbricated petals, cream-white with pale chrome-yellow, outer petals shaded soft pink.
(Apr 1891)  Page(s) 93.  
Carmen Sylva. Hybrid Tea. Heydecker.- Bloom flesh-cream-coloured, the centre bright light carmine; large, double, upright habit, solitary. Elongated bud, expands willingly, vigorous plant, continuous and floriferous blooming. Early forcing sort.
(Aug 1889)  Page(s) 26.  
Kaiserin Augusta. Tea.- Elze, 1872.
Light yellow, darker towards the inside, reverse of the petals salmon-pink; edges of the outer petals silvery white. Large, densely filled, globular or centifolia-form, flat when expanded like Gloire de Dijon; the outer petals regular, the inner ones convoluted compact, very beautiful upright habit, strong tea fragrance, numerous well-developed, short stamens, irregularly distributed at the edge of the disk; pistils also well-developed, emerging in an irregular contoted bundle from the wide disk aperture. The sepals have the general characteristics of Tea Roses: they are short, acuminate, three have on the edges irregular appendages, two are always smooth; inside they are lined white tomentose, from the outside somewhat wooly, matte, rarely keeled towards the tip and having only some glandular bristles on the edge of those with appendages. Ovary short-chalice form; at the top only a slightest constriction; slightly pollinated, with numerous subcutaneous white dot-shaped glands, otherwise glabrous. Almost no trace of glands on the short smooth and firm peduncle. The bracts small, dagger-form and membraneous. The light coloured stipules are membraneous, the lower ones very narrow, almost linear, the upper ones wider, ending in tips on the sides, the edges ciliate with fine hairy glands. Pedicel is strong, medium long, armed on the underside with 2-4 strong light-coloured prickles and several rudimentary glands; on the top furrowed the whole length, at the end narrow and deep, on the edges of which are distant glands. The quite dense foliage is matte, only a little glossy, beautiful light green, very persistent, usually with 5 leaflets on a leaf, are there however 7 leaflets, then the first pair is very small; the leaflets are very regularly formed, singly serrated on the edges. The strong light green shoots are only weakly armed when young, have only a few light-ccoloured prickles. The blooms are very floriferous, mostly singular, reblooms quite diligently, only the expansion shows some difficulties; despite this the buds are of a beautiful elongated form, compact and very lasting. Should be grafted semi-high, the shrub canes are however very suitable for forcing. The pruning is long, the winter cover can be light, although this rose seems to be more susceptible than the rest of the Gl. de Dijon race. - Descends from Gl. de Dijon, is however somewhat finer in form and habit; ue to the difficult expansion this sort does not find a good reception with some roselovers, but is in bud form one of the better cultivars.
(Feb 1892)  Page(s) 80.  
L'Ami Maubrey. Rem. Hybr.; Mercier p. Pflanze starkwachsend, einen schönen Busch bildend. Blumen solitär, selten doldenständig, sehr wohlriechend, stark gefüllt, gut remontirend, hellroth, zart violett schattirt. Stammt von der Xavier Olibo.

L'Ami Maubrey. Hybrid perpetual; Mercier père. Vigorous plant, forming a beautiful bush. Flowers solitary, rarely in umbels, very fragrant, very full, repeats well, light red, delicately shaded with violet. Descends from Xavier Olibo.
(Apr 1891)  Page(s) 93.  
Mad. Baboud. Hybrid Tea. Godard. - Silky china pink, very large, double, globular, very fragrant. Vigorous plant and floriferous.
(Apr 1891)  Page(s) 94.  
Mad. Théodore Vernes. HP. Lévêque et f. - Vigorous shrub, deep green foliage; bloom large, double, fine form, vivid pink, petal edges lighter.
(1889)  Page(s) 165.  
....among last year's novelties, we repeatedly noticed the white rose Marie Dermar with its beautiful flesh-coloured shading...It is a strong plant with upright branches and magnificent foliage, descending from hybrid noisette Louise Darzens, one of the best white roses. The bloom is white, with flesh-pink shading, occasionally she seems somewhat yellowish with flesh-coloured rosy center. Of medium size and good filling.....spicy fragrance....
(1889)  Page(s) 16.  
(1889)  Page(s) 41.  
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