Vaughan's Seed Store Twenty-Sixth Annual Catalogue. 1903
(1914) Page(s) 109. Large Flowering Clematis Beauty of Worcester. (New.) A magnificent sort with enormous flowers of clear sky-blue, contrasting strikingly with the cluster of pure white stamens.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Clematis Coccinea Hybrids Countess of Onslow. Bright violet-purple, with a broad band of scarlet through the center of each petal.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Clematis Coccinea Hybrids Duchess of Albany. A beautiful bright pink; deeper in the center.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Large Flowering Clematis Duchess of Edinburgh. One of the best double whites, of vigorous habit, very free of bloom and delightfully fragrant.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Clematis Coccinea Hybrids Duchess of York. A delicate and pleasing shade of pale pink.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Clematis Coccinea Hybrids Grace Darling. A very pretty, bright, rosy carmine.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Large Flowering Clematis Gypsy Queen. A rich, dark velvety purple; a fast grower and a free bloomer. A very attractive and curious variety.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Large Flowering Clematis Henryi. (Bangholm Belle.) Strong grower, flowers always eight-sepaled, 4 to 6 inches in diameter, and pure white. Very hardy.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Large Flowering Clematis Jackmanii. This variety, with its strong, healthy growth, hardy nature and rich, deep velvety-purple flowers, is the most satisfactory of its class. Blooms with astonishing profusion on shoots of the present season; should be pruned early in spring.
(1914) Page(s) 109. Large Flowering Clematis Azure Star. (Lasurstern) A new variety with large blue flowers. Strong grower and very desirable.