The Book Of Roses (Durand)
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Adelaide Moulle. -- An early-flowering Rose, lilac-white, with a large truss of small double flowers.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Alberic Barbier. -- One of the best of this class. An early bloomer, flowering from June 6th with good almost evergreen foliage. The flowers are borne in small trusses of from one to five, of a good yellow, fading when open to creamy white. The blooms are large and double. This Rose flowers a second time in Autumn.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Alexandre Girault. -- A good large double flower, of a bright carmine.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Alexandre Trimouillet [sic]. -- Flowers from late June. Blush salmon, fading to white, with light rose centre.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Amber. -- A dwarf Rose. This is an early flowerer, with single blooms of a clear pale amber.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Anna Rubsamen. -- This Rose is a very free bloomer, bearing great trusses of salmon-pink double flowers with a distinctive scent. It flowers from mid-June.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Auguste Barbier. -- Another early flowering Rose. The semi-double blooms appear about June 15th, and are of a lilac-rose.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Carissima. -- Delicate flesh pink, with quilled petals. The flowers are small and double, borne in large trusses. Flowers from mid-July.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Climbing American Beauty. -- This is another very free flowering Rose, with very large double flowers of bright rosy pink. It is early, flowering from the end of May in favourable seasons, and occasionally blooms in the Autumn.
(1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Coquina is a late flowering Rose, with small single pink flowers borne in clusters.