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I remember the apprehension I felt on my arrival at Sequoia Nursery in June 2006. What would I say to Mr. Moore? Were there any rose-related topics on which I was remotely qualified to have a discussion with this legendary individual who knew more about roses before I was born than I could possibly learn in a lifetime? But as I’ve heard from so many others, Mr. Moore immediately put me at ease and made me feel as if our conversation that hot summer afternoon was the most important thing he could possibly be doing with his time.
We talked about all sorts of things and not once was there an uncomfortable silence. He seemed genuinely interested in whatever we were talking about. And when I felt that I had already stayed too long he protested, asking me to stay a while longer. He showed me around the facility with an agility that many 20 years his junior would have envied. And I finally left knowing that this was a day that I would long remember. It was a privilege to have had the opportunity to spend time with this great man, whose kindness and generosity of spirit will live with me always.
Mr. Moore and Cliff at Sequoia - June, 2006
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Cliff Orent
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