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The Rose. A complete Handbook
(1965)  Page(s) 337.  
BABY ALBERIC (Chaplin). 1932. A hybrid polyantha raised from the R. wichuraiana rambler, Alberic Barbier, the ivory blooms being of similar colouring and borne with freedom.
p96 ‘Chantre’ [recommended as a cut-flower rose]

p108 ….while the apricot blooms of ‘Chantre’ really do smell of ripe apricots.

p109 ‘Chantre’ outstanding perfume.

p234 ‘Chantre’ (Kordes),. 1958. (‘Luis Brinas’ x ‘Spek’s Yellow’ x ‘Antheor’. A beautiful new rose, but like its parent ‘Antheor’ it tends to be less hardy than other roses. The lovely apricot-oprange blooms are borne on long stems and possess the rich unique perfume of the apricot.

p270 ‘Chantre’ apricot-orange colour
(1965)  Page(s) 344.  
‘Charles Mallerin’ (Meilland), 1947. (Glory of Rome x Congo) x Tassin. The blooms have forty petals and are of darkest crimson with a black sheen and possess a rich fruity perfume. But it is not a strong grower and should be grown only where it can be given the time to do it well. Exhibition. (A).
(1965)  Page(s) 344.  
‘Clothilde Soupert (Soupert) 1890. ‘Mignonette’ x ‘Mme. Damaizin’. Its parent ‘Mignonette’ was one of the two seedlings, the first of the polyantha roses, obtained from crossing R. multiflora with Parson’s Dwarf Pink china Rose. It makes a rounded bush 12-15 in. tall and covers itself with tiny double blooms of palest pink.
(1965)  Page(s) 423.  
 Debutante. 1902.   R. wichuraiana x 'Mme. Luizet'   Though of similar parentage to Dorothy Perkins, it has never achieved the same popularity.  With neat foliage, the double pink blooms are also dainty being borne in pretty sprays late in summer.
p418 ......The third, or R. wichuraiana, group includes.....'Easlea’s Golden'. These are among the most vigorous growers and will make canes up to 10 ft in length in a single season. As to pruning, they may be classed as coming somewhere between the climbers and those ramblers which form their new growth at the base. They will not form as many basal shoots, but to make up for this will make new growth from the main stems between 2-4 ft. from the ground and will also form numerous laterals. (See p418 for more on pruning)

p423 'Easlea’s Golden Rambler'. 1932. R. wichuraiana x an unknown seedling. Named after its raiser, it is a plant of vigorous habit, bearing trusses of chrome-yellow flowers which have a delicious fragrance.

p432 'Easlea’s Golden Rambler' - with strongly fragrant flowers.
(1965)  Page(s) 493.  
'Francesca'. 1922. 'Danae' x 'Sunburst'. Growing to 6 ft tall and the same across, it has plenty of good, dark foliage, and bears its double flowers of apricot-yellow along its branching stems.
(1965)  Page(s) 509.  
Roses with pale-green foliage:...R. bourboniana, Honorine Brabant
(1965)  Page(s) 33.  
Safrano was the first bi-colour, the outer petals being of rose-red, the inside being deep yellow. It was used by Lacharme to raise Mme. Victor Verdier which appeared in 1859. Crossed with the tea rose, Devoniensis, it produced the famous Lady Mary Fitzwilliam, a two-toned pink rose and mother of the modern rose. Writing in The Rose Annual (1956) Mr. James Gamble of Maryland, USA made mention that 37 per cent of all roses raised in the USA and which have recorded pedigrees may be traced back to Lady Fitzwilliam chiefly through Mme. Caroline Testout and Antoine Rivoire, raised in France by Pernet-Ducher in 1890.
(1965)  Page(s) 246.  
LADY MAYSIE ROBINSON ( W. Kordes ) . 1956. An unnamed Seedling Peace . A lovely little - known rose being free - flowering and of vigorous habit . The blooms are globular , greatly resembling those of Mrs John Laing both in shape and ...
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