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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Florist and Pomologist and Suburban Gardener: A Pictorial Monthly Magazine
(1866)  Page(s) 180.  
Abel Grand, rosy blush, colour fresh and pleasing; a very nice Rose, something in the way of Duchess of Sutherland.
(1866)  Page(s) 268.  
The principal Hybrid Perpetuals of other growers are.-
Alba carnea (touvais).- Medium sized, full, and very well formed, white, slightly tinged with rose, reverse of the petals pure white.
(1866)  Page(s) 214.  
Among the Moss Roses there are.....Baron de Wassenaer (red)...
(1855)  Page(s) 308.  
A large number of new summer Moss Roses have been introduced, but few of them have, however, shown any distinctness or goodness. .....Baron de Wassenaër is a very large rose-coloured variety, very vigorous in its habit.
(Dec 1856)  Page(s) 363.  
New Roses. by William Paul. Nurseries, Cheshunt, Herts.
Of kinds one or two years older more positive information may be given. Among these the following may be safely chosen as of superior merit:
Moss: Baronne de Wassenaer, bright red.
(1866)  Page(s) 179. Roses of 1864 and 1865....Belle Normande, too washy in colour...
(Dec 1856)  Page(s) 363.  
New Roses. by William Paul. Nurseries, Cheshunt, Herts.
Of kinds one or two years older more positive information may be given. Among these the following may be safely chosen as of superior merit:
Moss: Captain Ingram, dark purple.
(1848)  Page(s) 308.  
Tea - Caroline, blush pink, centre rose
(1878)  Page(s) 161.  
...A new raiser, Nabonnand, sent out some ten or twelve new Teas, some of which, as Princess Vera, look pretty; but to be useful now, a Tea Rose must have a bold vigorous habit and large perfect flowers, or we might as well revive some of the old varieties like Caroline and Tea Jaune, which have been thrown out of the catalogues...
(1856)  Page(s) 75.  
Hybrid Perpetuals. General Jacqueminot
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