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Discussion id : 36-601
most recent 24 MAY 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 MAY 09 by Allison
I have several roses that I am trying to identify, this one is one that I dug up from my grandmother's property before it was sold. I am pretty sure it is a hybrid tea, and it does repeat-bloom. Unfortunately, it has experienced many hardships since coming to live with me, including being cut to the ground with a weedeater last summer while I was sick (and not for the first time!). This is why it is old, yet so small. I thought for sure it had perished, but I am so happy to find that it is growing again this year, and has begun to produce some blooms, so is definitely on it's own roots. I've also found that the blooms have a lovely fragrance. I will take more pictures if needed as it grows and develops. So far we have had an extremely wet spring, and the foliage is beautiful, with no spraying of any kind. If anyone can help me figure out what it may be, I would be very grateful--I am much more familiar with old roses than Hybrid Teas. I have some more new photos I will add, maybe it will help
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