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Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Discussion id : 129-060
most recent 22 SEP 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 SEP 21 by Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
Hi Marina!

Hey I got a rose from Pam at Angel Gardens a couple of yrs ago to replace mine that died in the Camp Fire. She says she got it from you, but it is not the correct rose. It was supposed to be the gorgeous Meilland rose called CESAR. What she sent me looks very much like the pictures on Heirloom's website of the Ping Lim rose called CALYPSO. Did you ever have it and maybe sent her that by mistake? I'm just trying to ID it. And perchance do you still have the real CESAR? I would love to find cuttings somewhere...


Reply #1 of 4 posted 15 SEP 21 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Hi Beth, yes I believe I could've shared cuttings of Cesar with Pam. Do you have a photo of your mislabeled rose? If it is something I gave her, I might be able to identify it. I never had or shared a Calypso with her though.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 15 SEP 21 by Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
Here are some pics. The colors range from pinks to peach to apricot, and the blooms are more of a semi-double. It blooms very frequently. So far it's about maybe 2½-3ft tall. I have it in a big ceramic pot. I don't recall any scent. I just looks so close to the pics on Heirloom's website of CALYPSO. But really, the pics here on HMF look a little different. I have no idea what it could be, and Pam apparently wasn't aware it wasn't the correct rose. I assume you no longer have CESAR, since it's not on your list.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 22 SEP 21 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Hi Beth, sorry for replying so late. I sent a reply about a week ago but do not see it here for some reason.
I also received a mislabeled Cesar from Pam - it was an Acropolis (she's got both roses from me). Looking at your photos, I have another 'suspect' - Briosa by Barni. Look at the photos of it, there are a few that look very much like your three pictures.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 22 SEP 21 by Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
No problem! I don't think this is BRIOSA. The petals are not right. My rose has fewer petals and do not have that point in the center of the petal edge. They are rounded petals. I have no idea what it is!! I do know it is NOT ACROPOLIS tho!
Discussion id : 128-682
most recent 3 AUG 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 AUG 21 by MrsFishe
Marina- I’d LOVE to know where you found the Sabrina rose in the USA - I heard it was only available in France. My mother has the most amazing oasis backyard and has both my sisters namesakes in plants and I need to find her this so she has all the kids as plants! Beautiful garden!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 3 AUG 21 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Hi, I was lucky to get a cutting from a friend who used to import roses from Europe.
Discussion id : 73-527
most recent 14 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 AUG 13 by Angel Gardens
Marina, Wondering if you would like to trade cuttings. I would love to have some cuttings of Sandra Renaissance. I have many roses to choose from. Let me know, Thanks, Pam
Discussion id : 71-481
most recent 7 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAY 13 by barnold
Do you know where I could find an Abracadabra rose? I saw you posted a picture and just wondering if you know of a grower that sells them. Thanks for your help.

Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 MAY 13 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Dear Brian,
Unfortunately, I don't know where to buy 'Abracadabra' rose and I don't have it in my garden.
I would suggest to check eBay periodically - this rose is listed there from time to time.
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