Alberta Bell's Rose Garden
Photo courtesy of Alberta Bell's Rose Garden
Rose and clematis (member) Garden
Listing last updated on Sun Jan 2025
New Brunswick Canada
USDA Zone: 4a (-30 to -25 F / -34.4 to -31.7 C)
Alberta's garden is located in Zone 4. The rose in her photo is 'JP Connell'.
We live on two acres in a rural area. Retired from our careers 9 years ago and sold the Farm we worked and started filling two acres with Flowers, 23 beds at last count. We have about 55 Roses, started with shrub roses, moved to floribunda and now have some Hybrid Teas that I can keep living through our Zone 4 Winters. We build all of our beds with Soil, peat, lime and Manure to a good depth. The Roses are fertilized with sheep manure, and then liquid fertilizer each month during the growing seaon. We have continual breeze so we don't have much mildew. We treat for pests and some for blackspot. All our beds are mulched. Lilies are also a favorite Asiatic, Oriental and daylilies.My third passion would be Delphiniums.