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Schloss Wildegg
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Schloss Wildegg garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of jedmar
Blush Rambler.
2 favorite votes.  
Uploaded 21 JUN 09
Schloss Wildegg garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of jedmar
Every year on a weekend in early May rare plants are sold on the castle grounds.
Uploaded 21 JUN 09
Schloss Wildegg garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of jedmar
Dorothy Perkins and Ballerina.
Uploaded 21 JUN 09
Schloss Wildegg garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of jedmar
The Swiss organisation ProSpecieRara maintains a garden at Wildegg Castle with old sorts of vegetables and grains.
Uploaded 21 JUN 09
Schloss Wildegg garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of jedmar
The "French Garden" was established 1835. It now includes a rose garden.
Uploaded 21 JUN 09
Schloss Wildegg garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of jedmar
Wildegg Castle
Uploaded 21 JUN 09
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