142 plants
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— A —
A,C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAdam's Smile™
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VAll My Loving
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAutumn Splendor ™
— B —
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VBees Knees ™ (miniature, Zary 1998)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBlack Magic ® (hybrid tea, Evers/Tantau, 1995)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,VBrigadoon ™
— C —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,VCabana ™ (hybrid tea, Zary, 2000)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VChicago Peace
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VChild's Play™
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VChris Evert ™
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