One or more site guests believe this photo is incorrectly labeled or inaccurate !
Don Juan does not have a white reverse or center.
#1 of 2 posted
18 SEP 08 by
Well, I guess you'll have to "have it out" with the tag, as this is the way this rose came labeled. The tag is still on the rose, and it reads "Don Juan". And if it is not a Don Juan, it would not shock me one bit, as so many plants are sold under the wrong label.
What rose do you suggest it is?
The rose in your photo is beautiful. I would guess that your rose got mislabeled somewhere along the line. If you compare it to the other rose photos for Don Juan I think you will notice a difference. As to identifying the rose you have, I think I will defer that one to someone with more experience than I have at this point. Surely someone out there will have some recommendations!