PhotoComments & Questions 
"Francis Dubreuil - in commerce as”  rose photo courtesy of member Shinobu
Discussion id : 127-209
most recent 26 APR 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 APR 21 by Patricia Routley
I believe there are a few photos in ‘Barcelona’ which may belong in the “Francis Dubreuil (in commerce as)” file.
Could I ask you to look at Hillary Merrifield’s 2020 reference in either of these two files.
Barcelona (hybrid tea, Kordes, 1932)
"Francis Dubreuil (in commerce as)”
She sets out very clear differences between the two roses. I do not like to REASSIGN members photos, but this reference may allow you to reassign this photo quite confidently.
Thank you Shinobu,
Reply #1 of 2 posted 26 APR 21 by Shinobu
Hi Patricia
I think I understand the difference between Barcelona and Francis Dubreuil.
This Barcelona is what I bought from somewhere as "Barcelona", and I thought it was more like Francis Dubreui as you mentioned.
Maybe I should delete the photo?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 26 APR 21 by Patricia Routley
That is up to you Shinobu. These three characteristics as mentioned in the reference, should guide you.

Inflorescence: The flowers on Barcelona are held on long strong stems, NFD’s are shorter.
Receptacle: Barcelona has a large flared or rounded cup and NFD ‘s is a small slender cup which looks smooth but has bands of stalked glands at top and base.
Stamens: Barcelona’s filaments are creamy yellow and those of NFD are pink.

Thank you for your quick reply.
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