Michelle, was there any hint of a breeder's name on the label?
It says Wallara Roses on the label and proceeds go to Ovarian Cancer Research.
It may have been bred by Harvey D. Davidson as I understand some of his smooth roses were introduced by Wallara Roses. We'll ask Steve Beck at Roses and Friends as he too was once selling this rose. Thanks for your prompt reply Michelle.
Steve wasn't sure but he thought it may have been bred by Davidson. His suggestion that Knight's roses may have carried it was checked out but I couldn't find any 'Smooth Little Treasure' or 'Little Treasure' on their website. There is no email address for Wallara Roses / growntobegoegeous.com whom I think was the distributor.
Michelle, I wonder if you wouldn't mind ringing Wallara Roses to ask - and mention HelpMeFind. I note you are also in Victoria and I gave up ringing interstate years ago.
I've left a message with Wallara Nursery and will let you know when I get a response.
They have a Facebook page which says their email is wallararoses@bigpond.com
Great again. Thanks for your help Michelle. (I've never done Facebook.) I'll email them.
Wallara Roses have confirmed that the breeder is Harvey Davidson.
Good. If you ever want a job.....