PhotoComments & Questions 
Anna Coi  rose photo courtesy of member davidedallalibera
Discussion id : 74-876
most recent 2 NOV 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 NOV 13 by Jay-Jay
Is this rose related to the rose Annie Laurie McDowell of Kim Rupert?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 2 NOV 13 by Kim Rupert
Probably only through their shared multiflora ancestry. There are similarities, but also pretty strong differences.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 2 NOV 13 by davidedallalibera
Goodmorning, Anna Coi is very different from Rupert's roses Annie Laurie McDowell ! At first my roses come from two not recurrent parent, including Rambling Rector, Veilchenblau and a noisette seedling, but his roses it's nearest at moscata-noisette than mine.
Questions: I'd love to have some of varieties from Mr Rupert, for my research and if he want selling, how can I do? It's possible write by our e-mail? thanks
Reply #3 of 3 posted 2 NOV 13 by Jay-Jay
Rose-nursery De Bierkreek (NL) has and sells some of his roses.
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