Hi Celeryrose Does the new growth of "Flamingo Garden Tea" consistently show this striking purplish-red colour, or does it depend on temperature and other conditions? Do you know anything about the history of this rose?
The new growth colour is pretty much the same year round. I imagine as she grows older she will have that same "burning bush" effect like Lady Hillingdon has.. Right now the new growth colour is exactly the same as the Mme Joseph Schwartz right next to her. The most information I could find on her is from an excerpt of an article written for the Heritage Rose Foundation. In it is states that nobody knows how it ended up in at the Flamingo Gardens and why they labeled her with that name. It also states that at one of their HRF meetings, which included numerous tea experts, nobody recognized her.
Aha - I hadn't quite got to Billy's comment and your reply. What issue of the Heritage Rose Foundation please. It would be good to add this as a reference.
Here is the link where I got that information.
Since the posting was from 2009 and he said it was written “years ago” I imagine it may be hard to acess. Perhaps we can reference him with permission? Intriguing story.
Thanks very much - most definitely a mystery!