PhotoComments & Questions 
Emile Debroise  rose photo courtesy of member Lorik
Discussion id : 112-575
most recent 11 AUG 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 AUG 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Why is this rose double potted? I have seen cacti, succulents and high alpine plants that all needed acute drainage grown this way but never roses. What advantage does it give roses?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 11 AUG 18 by Nastarana
I have seen double potting recommended for cold climates to help keep plants alive through the winter. I don't remember where, sorry. One writer suggested placing a potted rose inside a larger pot and filling the space between the two pots with packing peanuts.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 11 AUG 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Thanks Nastarana, I never thought of that I thought it might have helped to keep the roots cool.
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