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25 OCT 11 by
Is there a difference to 'Mme Hardy'? I believe it is the same rose in commerce.
When I tried to identify the white OGR I had in my front yard, I couldn't decide if it was Mme Hardy or Plantier. I had posted photos of it on another site for discussion, and a couple of members helped me determine that it was Madame Hardy. I know one of the ladies in the discussion was Connie from Hartwood roses--she has tons of OGR's. I believe the differences are in the aroma, number of thorns, and appearance of the sepals. Hopefully someone with more experience can chime in.
I am not quite sure exactly what rose you are looking at, but in Western Australia 'Mme. Plantier' is thornless, and 'Mme. Hardy' has thorns.
In the sale both sorts are possibly exchanged. François Joyaux ("Nouvelle Encyclopédie des Roses Anciennes", German: "Enzyklopädie der Alten Rosen") sees the difference also in the number of thorns, as here specified: ´Hardy´ "numerous thorns" ("zahlreiche Stacheln"), ´Plantier´ "hardly thorns" ("kaum Stacheln"). The difference regarding the height: ´Plantier´ grows therefore more strongly. (However both grow strongly). Both indicate a green eye. (in a forum (forum.planten.de/index.php?topic=24512.0) ´Plantier´ without this eye was described. Probably one of the many mistaking). The difference regarding the sepals: ´Hardy´ long, ´Plantier´ smaller. The difference regarding the blooms, the bloom colors: ´Hardy´ pearly-white, ´Plantier´ (also) palely milk-white (as shadows).