'Audace ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
1 OCT 18 by
New bareroot so probably just settling in or climate related. Lots of buds, sepals peel away from the buds, blooms don't open. Some blooms have been like that for a little over a week now. Is interesting because nothing else is having that issue.
-edit- it was balling, a lot of the buds balled and went an awful colour....possibly not so carefree. Also slightly chloric...maybe not a plant for east coast Australia.
Available from - Old Market Farm www.oldmarketfarm.com
How does 'Carefree Beauty' go own root?
Vigorously! Own-root 2-gal plants after 6 months are nearly 4'X4', in inland southern California. Huge flowers (5") in cool weather, excellent repeat. Slight, brief bout of mildew, otherwise no fungal issues so far.
In our hot, humid coastal climate Carefree Beauty just took off in its first season. Perfectly healthy foliage despite lack of morning sun, and lots of large, frilly blooms. This rose has yet to be surpassed as a no-spray garden rose. It was equally wonderful in 6A Ohio back when I first got into no-spray shrubs.
According to the Indian breeder M. S. Viraraghavan, 'Carefree Beauty' also does very well in very hot tropical climates like Chennai, along with modern roses 'Europeana' and 'Montezuma', and the Tea rose 'Mrs. B.R.Cant' (newspaper article: Vijay, Hema. "A rose by any other name". The Hindu, March 9, 2014). Always nice to find heat-resistant roses.
The Montreal Botanical Garden continues to recommend this rose as resistant to blackspot, powdery mildew, and rust: