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'Brumalia' peony References
Website/Catalog  (1910)  Page(s) 11.  
Single Herbaceous Peonies
37—Brumalia. Light purple; tall; fine...25¢
Website/Catalog  (1895)  Page(s) [2].  
Single Herbaceous Pæonies.
Fifty cents each, except as priced. Twelve varieties, our selection $5.00.
Some of the new single pæonies are even more beautiful than the double ones; being very delicate, they are most suitable as cut-flowers, and generally bloom quite early; below are some of the best varieties available.
Brumalia, purple.
Website/Catalog  (1890)  Page(s) 28.  
Single Herbaceous Pæonies.
Brumalia, purple. [K]
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