'Blue Moonstone' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
10 AUG by
Acquired as a healthy, but less than 1 year old rooted plant this year. Planted in the ground and it had 2-3 blooms, but struggled and started to die back. Moved to a pot and it's looking much healthier with lots of new growth in <1 month. When in the ground, it was struggling wtih black spot, but after moving to the pot (the pot is sitting in the same spot where it was planted in the ground), I'm not seeing any BS (presumably because it's healthier now). The blooms it did have were small and shattered within 1-2 days, but were pretty while present. It's still very small, so I'm curious to see how it performs once more established.
Initial post
22 OCT 23 by
Available from - Gina75 Gina_lungulet@yahoo.com
Available from - Teo Joo Guan Horticulture 106 Sungei Tengah Road, Singapore 698988