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'Sweet Madame Blue ™' rose References
Website/Catalog  (28 Mar 2021)  Includes photo(s).
Sweet Madame Blue Floribunda. If you're looking for a shrub rose that's covered in flowers for most of the summer—and is almost as gorgeous during the times when it's not—consider this sister to Violet's Pride™, one of the finest rose hybrids. Sweet Madame Blue yields clusters of full-looking blooms that release a moderate fragrance that is both sweet and spicy. The foliage and perfectly rounded habit add further to this rose's appeal, particularly when it is not in bloom. Offers long-lasting colors and very strong resistance to several major rose diseases. Warmer zones tend to yield larger floribundas. Hybridized in 2008, this rose is being released only now after more than a decade of trials, and is being sold exclusively through Gardens Alive! brands for spring 2021. Rosa 'WEKwibscryper' PPAF
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