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'Breeze Hill' rose References
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 162-163.  
'Breeze Hill' (Van Fleet, introduced by the American Rose Society, 1926).
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 131.  Includes photo(s).
‘Breeze Hill’: Van Fleet, USA, 1926… longs rameaux flexibles… feuillage mat et arrondi… grandes fleurs doubles, groupées par trois ou plus, qui s’ouvrent presque à plat sur un coeur débordant de pétales, rose crémeux et abricot pâlissant au chamois clair, à la légère haleine de pomme. Insensibles aux intempéries… Lent à s’établir… on peut aussi le tailler en grand arbuste à port arqué. Son fin feuillage résiste bien aux maladies.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 293-294.  
Breeze Hill Wichuraiana. Van Fleet / American Rose Society 1926. Parentage: Rosa wichuraiana x 'Beauté de Lyon'. The author cites information from different sources... Pink... Light orange red... huge, very double, pale salmon flowers, flushed lightly with orange and buff, fading almost white as they mature... Probably the largest-flowered hardy climber in existence, it is characterized by its lovely 'sunrise and sunset' tints...
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 131.  Includes photo(s).
Breeze Hill Large-flowered Climber. Van Fleet (USA) 1926. Description... The quoted parentage has been queried and descent from 'Dr. Van Fleet' suggested instead... creamy blush and apricot shades that pale to creamy buff... 'Breeze Hill' was named after the home of the eminent rosarian Dr. J. Horace McFarland in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania...
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 239.  
Breeze Hill Large-flowered Rambler. Van Fleet (US) 1926. Rosa wichuraiana x 'Beauté de Lyon'... This variety has not such glossy foliage as the others in this class... G.A. Stevens suggests that it may be a seedling of 'Dr. van Fleet' which had R. soulieana as one parent... a warm creamy apricot-rose, fading to buff-cream...
Book  (May 1992)  Page(s) 315.  
Breeze Hill Van Fleet (USA) 1926. R. wichuraiana x 'Beauté de Lyon'... flowers, clear pink flushed tawny-orange, produced in clusters... glossy, dark green foliage...
Website/Catalog  (1985)  Page(s) 13.  
Breeze Hill..... 20 x 12’. 
Article (website)  (1982)  Page(s) 11.  
Breeze Hill (Climber)  Very double, cupped flowers of clear pink flushed tawny-orange produced in clusters on a vigorous if somewhat coarse plant. 1926. • N. T. (S) 15 x 10’. 
Book  (1965)  Page(s) 159.  
Luciae Derivatives ... Rosa luciae Franch. & Roch. is interpreted here in the broad sense as including both R. luciae luciae and R. luciae wichuraiana (Syn. R. wichuraiana Crép.). Precise parentage is indicated only where it is known or can be surmised with reasonable accuracy....
R. l. luciae ...'Breeze Hill' 1926
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 110.  
Breeze HillVan Fleet 1927. Deciduous. Vgorous growth. Fragrant. ...July-September. Hardy.
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