"Aimable Rouge - in commerce" rose Photos
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The Friends of Vintage Roses, Sebastopol, CA
Uploaded 30 JAN 24 |
Aimable Rouge did not like the rain this year, it balled...as can be seen here after the torrential rain and humidity this Spring 2017, Lenexa, KS.
Uploaded 6 MAY 17 |
Uploaded 15 MAY 19 |
Uploaded 21 APR 17 |
Rose photo courtesy of flava
Plant Habit, Hofgarten Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany in June 2015
Uploaded 2 NOV 18 |
Photo taken in Rosaplant's Collection, Poland 2015
Uploaded 20 NOV 15 |
Aimable Rouge did not like the rain this year, it balled...as can be seen here after the torrential rain and humidity this Spring 2017, Lenexa, KS. Trying to open...
Uploaded 6 MAY 17 |
Rose photo courtesy of Alma
Uploaded 13 OCT 14 |
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