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'Amalia Regina' clematis References
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 51.  
Principal garden varieties of Clematis:
Patens type. (Flower in May and June.)
Aureliana... Porcelain blue, lavender stripe.
Magazine  (17 Nov 1900)  Page(s) 537.  
La Maladie noire des Clématites à grandes fleurs....Les variétés qui été les plus atteintes au Jardin botanique de la Ville sont :
2° Dans le groupe Clematis lanuginosa Ldl. : les variétés Aureliana, Henryi, La France, lanuginosa pallida, Mme Durand, Marie Desfossé, The President, William Blue Gem, Max Leitchlin, Paul Avenel, Kennett.
Book  (1898)  Page(s) 3.  
C'est à M. Briolay-Goiffon, d'Orléans, qu'est dû le C. aureliana, obtenu en 1860, du croisement des C. patens et C. lanuginosa et mis au commerce vers 1865...
Book  (1898)  Page(s) 61.  
Variétés Horticoles
1er Groupe.—PATENS
Section II. — Lanuginosa.
Aureliana (Briolay-Goiffon).  Très belle fleur bleu azuré.
Book  (1898)  Page(s) 61.  
Variétés Horticoles
1er Groupe.—PATENS
Section II. — Lanuginosa.
Aureliana (Briolay-Goiffon).  Très belle fleur bleu azuré.
Magazine  (1877)  Page(s) 267.  
Clematis Aureliani (Dauresse); s. de patens; bleu.
Book  (1872)  Page(s) 12.  
One of the earliest of the Continental raisers of hybrid varieties of the larger type, was M. Briolay-Goiffon, of Orleans, who in 1860 obtained as a cross between C. lanuginosa and C. patens the variety named C. Aureliani, a handsome free-blooming plant, with well-formed porcelain-blue flowers, not sent out, as M. Briolay informs us, until 1865.
Book  (1872)  Page(s) 83.  
Descriptive Notes of Species & Varieties.
C. Aureliani (Briolay-Goiffon). — This is one of the Continental forms, which have been bred from C. lanuginosa hybridized with C. patens, and is of a less vigorous habit than the former, which was the mother parent.  The plant has ternate woolly leaves, with narrowly-cordiform acuminate leaflets; and the flowers are large, full, of a lively porcelain-blue colour, with elliptic acuminate sepals, and very deep chocolate-red anthers.  It is remarkably floriferous, as we learn from M. Briolay-Goiffon, who states that it was raised in 1860, from the above-named parents, and was sent out in 1865; also that the C. Amalia regina, sent out from another source in 1867, is the same plant.
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