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'Sunbelt ® Sierra Lady™' rose Description
'KORlubaja' rose photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
1 favorite vote.  
Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
Bred by Tim Hermann Kordes (Germany, 1997).
Introduced in South Africa by Ludwig's Roses in 2015 as 'Jabulani'.
Introduced in United States by Newflora™ LLC in 2017 as 'Sierra Lady'.
Apricot - orange.  None to mild fragrance.  20 to 22 petals.  Average diameter 2.5".  Medium, double (17-25 petals), in small clusters bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Pointed, ovoid buds.  
Bushy, upright.  Semi-glossy, dark green foliage.  7 leaflets.  

Height: 39" to 47" (100 to 120cm).  Width: 28" to 30" (70 to 75cm).
United States - Patent No: PP 23,667  on  18 Jun 2013   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 13/066,489  on  14 Apr 2011
The new variety of rose plant of the present invention originated from a controlled crossing in a breeding program of two distinct parents during the summer of 1997. The crossing was between ‘TANeitber’, a non-patented rose and an ‘un-named seedling’.