'À fleurs variables' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 267. fleurs variables, R. à (Noisette) ? ? ; varies: dawn-colour to pink, center orange-purple, medium size, double
Book (1906) Page(s) 2. 113. à fleurs variables, Noisette, aurore
Book (1885) Page(s) 322, Vol 1. Noisette. Fleurs variables (à). Fleur moyenne, pleine; coloris rose, au centre orange.
Translation: Noisette. Fleurs variables (à). The medium-sized flower is full; colored pink with an orange center.
Book (1880) Page(s) 50, appendix. 1861. indica Noisetteana. à Fleurs variables, Blume rosa, Centrum orangepurpur, veränderlich, mittelgross, gefüllt.
Noisette. à Fleurs variables, The average-sized, full flower is pink with a orange center, passing to purple,
Book (1860) Page(s) 240. De Noisette Roos. A fleurs variables, bl. middelm., gevuld, rozerood, in het hart met oranje geschakeerd, zeer veranderlijk.
Translation: The Noisette Rose. A fleurs variables, The middle-sized bloom is full and rose red with a center that is orange with shadings; very changeable.
Book (1858) Page(s) 251. Noisette-Rose. A fleurs variables, Blumen mittelgroß, gefüllt, rosenroth, im Centrum orange in Purpur übergehend, sehr veränderlich.
Translation: The Noisette Rose. A fleurs variables, Flowers are medium-sized, full, rose-red, orange in the center, shading to purple, very changeable.
Book (1853) Page(s) 28. The Noisette Rose. 75. À Fleurs variabilis; flowers red, the centre yellow and purple, very variable.
Website/Catalog (1851) Page(s) 73. Rosiers Noisettes. (Rosa noisettiana.) A fleurs variables (Vibert)...1 25 fr.